Monday, November 2, 2009


While doing research on PostgreSQL, I have found a lot of articles about comparing postgreSQL to other database server technologies. PostgreSQL is made for a large company, for large volumes, and with a lot more features.

Features: PostgreSQL is able to do subqueries, stored procedures, and have other views. These features could be vital to the more experienced database designer. If you are running a small business these features are not that important.

Speed: Speed is a question on everyone's mind today. If you are not able to download files fast enough, get up to date information, or have purchases in the system in an instant, the program is useless. When starting with Postgre SQL it my seem slow. But the stability of the software is able to keep up with large volumes of customers, employees, and management.

I hope this is abel to help you understand more about Postgre SQL.

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