Thursday, September 10, 2009

Excel Problem with Worksheet

In excel there is an HLookup function that helps companies to narrow their search for data. This is a great tool to have if you have thousands of different cells of data. Instead of trying to look through all of the cells. You can put in a function to find what you are looking for in a couple of steps.

Today, the exercise that we got was to look at the formula and figure out what the problem is in the formula. In the formula =HLOOKUP($C$3,'Historical Data'!$B$2:$F$9,3,FALSE). I thought it was the first set of cells that it was getting wrong. The last number where the 3 is that is what row to look at on the sheet. But, it was on the other sheet, That was saying what row to look at on the other sheet. That was wrong. The last number should be 4. The rows on the other sheet start different. 2 is actually 3, 3 is actually 4. I didn't know this. That is the solution that I overlooked. The solution is this =HLOOKUP($C$3,'Historical Data'!$B$2:$F$9,4,FALSE)


The other problem in the worksheet is that the Vlookup didn't have a range lookup. This tells the solution what you are looking for if it is true or false. I simply put false at the end of the statement and it was right. =VLOOKUP($C$9,'Stock Data'!$A$2:$C$7,3,FALSE)

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